Disan's World
Expert advice
For any kind of request, I can contact Disan directly. I am given advise by experts and can easily do my job.
In Disan we trust
It’s been years since we started reselling Disan products and complaints from our customers are very rare. Our customers are satisfied and so are we.
Nice atmosphere
Since we build our new headquarter we now own a Disan Central vacuum cleaner. The resulting clean air does the effect – our employees are a lot more relaxed.
Even after years
It’s been many years since I started using my Disan central vacuum cleaner and I seriously don’t know what I’d do without it.
Easy to get
Easy to use
Just wow
Fast and clean
The new system InTheWall does not only save me time but also my nerves. Going there – pulling out – vacuuming – clean.
I miss Disan
Recently I moved and I realized how nice it is to have a Disan central vacuum cleaner. In my new apartment I have to use a “normal” vacuum cleaner and I’ve started to miss Disan.