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Application: Opera house

  • Operators 8

I miss Disan

Recently I moved and I realized how nice it is to have a Disan central vacuum cleaner. In my new apartment I have to use a “normal” vacuum cleaner and I’ve started to miss Disan.

Nia D.
Private household

Application: Residence


Even after years

It’s been many years since I started using my Disan central vacuum cleaner and I seriously don’t know what I’d do without it.

Barbara G.
Private household


I have my Disan central vacuum cleaner for more than 25 years now and I would never give it up. It cleans and cleans and it does it silently. It sure was not the cheapest but i would choose it again.

Otto F.
Private household

Thank you

With my dust allergy it is quite hard to live in peace. However, thanks to Disan I feel safe again.

Cloe M.

Application: Retirement home
