Wonkwang university hospital

Iksan - South Korea

Wonkwang university hospital

Application: University Hospital

  • Surface 15.000 m²
  • Operators 8
  • Inlet valves 290
  • Length of pipe 2.300 m

System: Central Vacuum System - H02

The project

The Wonkwang University Hospital lies in the Korean city Iksan.

In 2009 the hospital was equipped with 290 inlets on the 13 floors as well as 2 central units Mod. H02-125.

The whole central vacuum cleaning system is connected with 2.300 meters of pipings.

Thanks to this system up to 8 simultaneous users can clean the 15.000m2.

During an inspection in 2010, the installed systems have been tested and some improvement has been made.

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